Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Pain Of A Fall

The journey from being full to being empty is just rapid. One moment you feel you have everything. The very next moment you realise you are a pauper. An illusionary world is created around you - a world in which you fly for ever - unhinged and unperturbed. You forget to realise that you could fall. After all, the higher you go, the more impactful is the fall.

Though you know in the back of your mind, you refuse to acknowledge it. Or should I say - you turn a blind eye to it. All if fine - you would say again and again. Just another way to confine your fears. You go around in your merry ways as if things are always going to be just like this - all merry and joyful. It remains the same - until that fateful day comes. That day, when your dreams are shattered, hopes demolished, wishes charred to ashes, and that smile on your face taken away for good.

Why is the fall so grave? Why is the pain so unbearable? You wish you weren't flying this high in life. Sadly though, you cant time travel. Hindsight is a good thing to have - unfortunately though, nothing changes. Just a feeling of hopelessness and a heart brimming with pain.

You try to get up, but you can't. You try to shoo away the frustrations, but it comes back at you with increased vigour. The same world that celebrated you, now looks at you as a loser. Failure takes you to a dark corner - where the light at the end of a tunnel comes from a speeding train rushing towards you.

You are lost, you are helpless. All you are left with are your tears and pain. Why did I fly this high, you wonder. Just that you don't have answers.

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