Monday, June 13, 2022

Dreaming Of Death

There are days when you wake up onto a nightmare - all sweaty and catching your breath in a panicky state. You open your eyes not realising what exactly has hit you; and sometimes those nightmares are so bad that they linger along for ever. One of the worst nightmares that you can have is that of your own death. Nothing scares and rattles you like your own death. No matter what people say about being prepared, death is one big unknown. I believe you can never be prepared for death. There would always be far too many things that are incomplete at any given point in time.

Yesterday morning was one such. Bangalore mornings are a bliss - even during the summers. But now its well past the summer and the weather early morning is incredibly pleasant. I woke up to a nightmare - that of my own death. I wanted to scream and shout out, but nothing was coming out. It was suffocating. I wanted to move; but couldn't. I tried to wriggle out, but all in vain. I slowly realised that I was dead. I wanted to let out a loud scream, but nothing came out of my mouth. Finally, death has embraced me.

That was when I jumped up on my bed. Phew! That was a nightmare. I was relieved that I was not dead. I thought I was prepared to die; but looks like I was not. Least to say, I was disturbed out of all of this. All day I was wondering why I had such a dream. There has to be a reason for this. When in doubt, Google. As I looked on the internet for reasons behind the dream, I got the answers. And how correct they were.

Apparently the dream of death happens when you go through a traumatic experience, and you are unable to cope with it. Him leaving has been traumatic to say the least. I have been struggling through days on this with no end in sight. Maybe my subconscious mind is reacting to the mental trauma that I am going through. This is now becoming nasty; and I need to find answers quickly. Else I would actually die, and when that happens, I would realise that it was not a nightmare... 

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